Best SEO Company In Gurgaon


SEO is a great way to drive organic traffic to your website. Since most online experiences start with a search engine, ignoring SEO will be missing potential traffic, leads, and revenue.

Reasons to seek SEO services

  • You have a new website and want to highlight its online presence
  • You are unable to target the right audiences
  • You are experiencing a decline in quality leads and service requests
  • Your web traffic has been steadily decreasing with no visible reason as to why or how
SEO Company Gurgaon

Why Choose Us?

Three G Logic is an experienced SEO Company Gurgaon that has always believed ethical SEO strategy is not only possible, but quite effective in achieving long-term business goals. Also, we can show how ethical SEO works and gives results. We will give you sufficient reasons to choose us over others.

We know the Art of SEO

Websites scoring high on Authority, Reputation, and Trustworthiness also get high ranks on search engines. And we know how to build Authority, Reputation, and Trustworthiness of websites. We focus on creating high-quality content optimized with relevant keywords and building quality backlinks from high-traffic and relevant websites. Every backlink is a vote for your site and every vote counts in SEO. Your site will start climbing the search engine ladder as soon as we start work.

We adopt a Customized Approach

We will develop an SEO strategy incorporating your strengths to boost the organic growth of your site. It will be a fresh approach customized to suit your business needs. The ultimate goal of SEO is to build quality traffic that converts. We will focus on strength-building activities like highlighting certifications and awards to build your credibility. These activities will establish your authority and increase your acceptability.

A Client-Centered Focus

Three G Logic is a client-centric SEO Company Gurgaon and we don’t just say we are client-focused, we prove it with our services and results. We work on one project at a time to prevent distraction and we put our best efforts to deliver desired results. But we never make tall claims or fake promises like delivering first-page rank within a week. We chase only realistic targets.

We rely only on Time-Tested SEO Strategies

Three G Logic wants to see its clients grow. We want to become a partner in your growth and it is possible only when use tried & tested methods. For example, meta and title description writing is a proven method of boosting website ranking.

SEO Company Gurgaon

Our SEO Services and Processes

Three G Logic is your personalized SEO Company Gurgaon. We will do everything that can in any way help your site move up on search result pages and drive organic traffic to your site.

Local SEO It involves optimizing websites using location-specific keywords, acquiring local backlinks, encouraging customer reviews, and creating an interesting Google My Business profile. Local SEO is for businesses targeting specific locations. It could be a restaurant, dental clinic, sports store, or any business that provides services to local customers.

E-commerce SEO It requires a specialized approach like optimizing product pages, boosting site structure and navigation, implementing schema, and improving page load speed. Since completion in the e-commerce market has reached the next level, it requires a multifaceted strategy involving several key components including mobile optimization, user reviews, and technical SEO.

Enterprise SEO It is SEO tailored for large and complex organizations. It involves managing massive websites with numerous web properties. It demands a robust strategy and coordination to address technical complexities. However, the challenges involved in enterprise SEO encourage us to look for new ways to beat the competition.

SEO By Industry SEO strategies vary from one industry to another according to the competitive landscape and behavior of the targeted audiences. For example, the healthcare and finance sectors rely on trust-building content but IT services put more focus on technical aspects of SEO. We also change our SEO strategies according to industries.

SEO By Country Optimizing websites for specific countries involves using country-specific codes to help sites figure in country-specific searches. Also, we optimize content for region-specific searches. We know that user behavior and preference changes with countries. Also, we know how demography, language, and culture change user behavior.

SEO For Small Businesses Small businesses also need SEO services to boost their online presence and attract targeted audiences. We make their sites SEO-friendly, create unique and keyword-optimized content for them, build quality backlinks for their sites, and leverage social media to build their online reputation. Consistent efforts and attention pay good results in the long run.

Link-Building Services Google takes each backlink as a vote for a site. With link-building services, we collect votes from relevant and high-traffic sites for your clients. Also, we employ trusted methods including making guest posts to get quality backlinks. These links will provide a solid foundation for your site.

Ready to discuss your Project?